Authors, Speakers and Influencers


Learning is a life long passion.  I learn by observing, reading and listening.  When given the opportunity, I spend time with great leaders.  Since I don't always get to spend time with great leaders, I have read hundreds of books.  I am always on the hunt for the best of books, podcasts, videos and any other opportunities to challenge myself to grow.  Below is my list of great authors, speakers and influencers.  Please feel free to share your list.  This is a list that I will update on a period basis.

  1. Dave Ramsey -Money Expert, Entrepreneur, Author
  2. Seth Godin- Blogger, Marketing Guru, Author
  3. Daren Hardy -Editor of Success Magazine
  4. Tom Mendoza-I learned a lot about leadership working for Tom @NetApp
  5. Keith Ferazzi -Author of Who's Got Your Back
  6. John Maxwell -Author, Speaker and Leadership Expert
  7. Brené Brown -I was heavily influenced by her 2009 Ted Talk The Power of Vulnerability
  8. Patrick Lencioni -Author of The Advantage
  9. Jim Collins -Business Author
  10. Sally Hogshead- Author of The Fascination Advantage and Marketing Expert
  11. Stephen Mansfield -Brilliant Author and Speaker
  12. Mark J. Silverman -Author of Only 10s, Mark left technology to pursue coaching and share what he has learned.
  13. Ben Carson -Author, Retired Neurosurgeon and Presidential Candidate