
The Post Sales Call Debrief

The Post Sales Call Debrief

I did not aspire to become a sales manager, but like many others, I was offered a job in sales management because I was one of the best sales people.   The best sales people don't necessarily make the best sales managers and initially that was true about me.   Early in my sales management career, I tried to hire people similar to me and I was either too involved or not involved enough with my team.  Over the years I have developed a regular cadence of sales management activities that have helped me recruit, retain, and develop top talent.   This cadence includes…

The End of "End of Quarter"

The End of "End of Quarter"

I recently mentored a young sales person regarding the nuances of the sales cycle.  He relayed how much activity his firm generated by end of quarter.  He exuded pride for the energy created from his  sales managers’ added pressure and end of quarter discounts that bolstered sales.  My friend was surprised to hear me say that, as a sales leader in my own company and my previous companies, I de-emphasize end of quarter sales pushes, and we rarely offer end of quarter discounts. 

Be the 1%

Be the 1%

I recently finished the book Show Your Work by Austin Kleon.  I really enjoyed chapter 9 which is entitled "sell out".  In the chapter, he rails against the notion that is wrong to get paid for your work.  On page 168, Austin tells the story of the man who had a guy come up to him after a poetry reading and told him that his poetry reading changed his life.  When he asked him if he wanted to buy a book for five dollars he said, "Nah, that is ok."    Austin Kleon writes that "sold out" is the best sign an artist can put on his work. Reading this chapter reminded me of the Occupy Movement.  My goal is not to be a occupier, it is to create something truly special. If I am paid well for it, that is one measure of my success.  Yes I do want to be the 1%.  My goal is to be the best I can be.